What is digital signage?
Digital notices, advertisements, banners, animations and information boards
The main tasks and objectives of Digital Signage as a technology
Digital Signage, resp. Digital advertising is a new way to reach your existing and potential customers. The wall or shop window of your establishment, the corridor in your shopping centre or the waiting room in front of your doctor’s surgery can become a powerful communication tool between you and your customers. It is one of the few effective tools to force attention at or in close proximity to a traffic location.
In addition to building your brand (attractiveness, visibility, security, reliability), you also need the ability to work remotely with your presentation content and edit it whenever you need to. With Digital Signage, you can present much more information in one place than if you hung a paper poster. You can show even the most expensive product to your customers and you won’t have to worry about it being stolen or degraded.
With Digital Signage you can do much more...
News we are preparing ...
The transparent rib system is the solution for large and small projects, shops or showrooms. It’s a spectacular large-scale solution that creates a spectacular interior experience while maintaining the integrity of the space. Space is not divided. The screen is part of the space and complements it. The screen can be of any size in half-metre or metre screens. The transparent SMD micro system screen can be suspended from the ceiling, on a structure, on a stand or in a shop window. It is an indoor solution with a resolution of P3.9×7.8 and luminance up to 5000cd/m2. The density of dots per 1m2 is over 30 000 thousand.
Contact us if you are interested in this product.
Contact us if you are interested in this product.

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Shopping mall priesvitná obrazovka

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